architecte_REG A
Avenue Alexandre Vinet 8,
CH-1004 Lausanne
Onde.Line Co-Founder
© 2010-2023
February 2022 - Today
Service de l’Urbanisme - Office des permis de construire
Analyse et inspection des constructions, Lausanne, Switzerland
2016 - Today
Onde.Line Collective
- Publication Fan.Zine Onde.Line,
- Informal array_Participatory collection of informalities
- Dusino_Renovation of a rural house, Dusino San Michele IT
- Fade-in Japan_Piece of furniture, Asti IT
- San Secondo_Apartment renovation, Turin IT
- Paesaggio (Mon)ferrato_Landscape frame, Montaldo Scarampi/Collina Forni IT
- Allan's Spaceship_Apartment renovation, Łódź PL
- Competition “The Whole Earth Museaum”, NON architecture competition (final round)
- Competition Architetture Rivelate “The W.ALL”, Torino IT
February 2018 - January 2022
AubertArchitectes SA, Lausanne, Switzerland
- Extension du centre de production de café, Romont CH
- Réalisation de 24 appartements et d’une UAPE pour 48 enfants, Givrins CH
- Salle IRM et unité d’aphérèse, Lausanne CH
- Nouvelle église et centre polyfonctionnel, Echallens CH
- Espace dégustation à destination des clients finaux, Romont CH
- Construction d’une nouvelle école primaire et d’une UAPE, Goumoëns-la-Ville CH
October 2016 - October 2017
L.V.I.A, Isiolo, Kenya
- Improve access to clean water, sanitation facilities and
first health quality services, Isiolo KE
- KAME: Kenya Arid lands drought Mitigation measures Enhanced, Isiolo KE
September 2010 - September 2016
ABVS Progetti s.r.l., Turin, Italy
- Construction site planning for the Anime Sante Church, L’Aquila IT
- Competition for a secondary school, Casatenovo IT
- Construction site planning for the new REALE MUTUA's headquarters, Turin IT
- New classrooms for the Polytechnic of Turin, Turin IT
January 2016 - December 2016
Subhash Mukerjee Studio, Turin, Italy
- Radiology diagnostic centre, Turin IT
- IAAD Riviera Pavillion, Turin IT
- Venaria Science Center, Venaria IT
April-May 2015
C.O.R.C. (Community Organisation Resource Center), Cape Town, South Africa
- Design and planning of multipurpose structures and public spaces at UT Gardens in Khayelitsha, Cape Town ZA
November 2011 - April 2012
Heritage office, Building Design and Building Maintenance, Asti, Italy
March 2019, Turin
"Not so far. Le città che non vediamo"
Fondazione per l'architettura / Torino - Biennale Democrazia
February 2018, Cape Town
"ACC International Urban Conference"
African Center for Cities
October 2015, Turin
“Urban Africa – L’Africa delle città” International conference
Centro Piemontese di Studi Africani (CSA)
Associazione per gli Studi Africani in Italia (ASAI)
2013 - 2015
Master in Architecture, Construction & City
Polytechnic of Turin
Graduation thesis selected for the EAM Best Diploma Projects 2016:
UPGRADING KHAYELISTHA_Analysis and development strategies in a Cape Town’s Township
Internationale Frühjahrsakademie Ruhr
Technische Universitat Dortmund
2008 - 2013
Bachelor of Science degree in Architecture
Polytechnic of Turin
2010 - 2011 (Erasmus program)
Bachelier en sciences de l’ingénieur, orientation ingénieur civil architecte
Université Catholique de Louvain la Neuve, Belgium
2003 - 2008
Math and Science Academy PNI (National Informatic Plan)
Liceo Scientifico Augusto Monti